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University of Wisconsin–Madison
We are open for business! We are happy to be back. During Phase 1, we will be operating at reduced capacity. We will make every effort to keep turnaround times short as we understand there are many projects that have been waiting. We appreciate your patience and business. The UW Biotechnology Center is following University guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Loading samples for electrophoresis
Mass Spec facility


Services that the Biotechnology Center can provide.

Biotech Building


The core facilities provide the services from the Biotechnology Center.



Published works and labs that are within the Biotechnology Center.

Outreach event


An Outreach program that provides workshops, events, and more.



Scheduled events, past events, and Wednesday Night @ the Lab information.



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The University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center is committed to maximizing the benefits of biotechnology research within the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin System, State of Wisconsin, and the nation. The center facilitates high quality, comprehensive, multidisciplinary research and supports, coordinates, disseminates, and advances biotechnology.



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"The missing in action have not been forgotten. Not by a nation that sent them to war and not by a dedicated group of volunteers and researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison."

  • Link to Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Article

Airman Accounted For From World War II

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Army Air Forces 2nd Lt. Walter B. Stone, killed during World War II, was accounted for on Feb. 20, 2023. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) thanked the University of Wisconsin for assistance in the recovery.

  • More details here in an article from DPAA
  • More information on the Missing in Action program


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Dustin Rubinstein

Dr. Rubinstein received his PhD from Cornell University in 2008. He has extensive experience in genetics applied towards a diverse array of research topics, including neuroscience, behavior, reproduction, and bioinformatics. He has always sought to generate tools to best address important research questions. Dr. Rubinstein was most recently a member of a team led by Profs. Melissa Harrison, Kate O'Connor-Giles, and Jill Wildonger, and this group was the first to publish the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in Drosophila. In this team, he helped generate a dozen genome-edited flies and built a website to assistant CRISPR/Cas9 project design.


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